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At least she's not homophobic

Ehh...i got the true ending frist and then the good ending right after... but the game wasn't really my type so i left the game right after i got the bad ending 1 *if i knew the game is about some insane lovesick killer i wouldn't have played the game at frist*, anyway the game is still good generally, so i will leave a thumb up for the game, great job

The plot is still quite predictable by the way, thats why i could easily get the good ending without spending too much efforts :)))

did you check the content warnings at all lmao your comment is kinda rude so be a bit more respectful next time idk and i don't think the plot was predictable at all but hey pop off!! 


waaaaaaaaaaahhhhh i am a bl fan and as i play all the ending route i can say that bl world is really following mee!!


ICHIGO IS SO CUTW!!! i want a guy as loyal as him😭💕💕


i literally just created an account to say that this is one of the best games ive ever played. AND FOR FREE . like this is seriously amazing. I loved all the characters, the story was amazingly developed and i loved every second of it. If I could erase my memory to play this game again I 100% would .


this game is so cool!! i love that every choice leads to a different ending, it makes it more enjoyable to get them all knowing i wont have to skip through walls of text!! 


I'm making this my new obsession


i love the drawings!!!

(1 edit) (+1)

This is so good??? Like genuinely, all the characters are so cute too!


I also love the murder-y mc! A lot of times these sorts of visual novels have a basic / helpless mc, which was why it was such a twist!



Spoilers (again)

Ichigo's route is literally just him finding someone to match his freak lmao

your comment just made me want to play this game even more, ty


HELLO??? THIS IS LIKE THE BEST GAME IVE EVER PLAYED WHATYTT the twists were so shocking it made my jaw drop, i love this game sm omg mc is like super pretty too its crazy omg I WAS LEFT SPEECHLESS WHEN I SAW THE ART FOR THE DAY 2 VALENTINES DAY, anyways keep up the good work!!! :DD

Thank youuu yianneziu!!! I'm happy to hear that!


I love this game so much, the plot twist is a banger tooo!!!

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)


Aaahh!!! I loved this game so much!!! Xddd but man, mc acting like that during like half of the routes, SHOCKED ME SOSOSO much. I love it when the mc's arent just "uwu im innocent !!!" i 100% love the murder routes,  but i feel so bad for that poor rabbit </3 another absolute banger game from you!!! 


Thank you so much Angel!! Glad to see you here as well and I'm happy you enjoyed the game!! Thank you for playing!

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS GAME!! spent a few hours getting all the bad endings, then the normal and true ending. ughhh the normal one pulled my heart strings!! the true ending... I gotta say I loved it!! 



such a plot twist! very interesting story. I loved the characters especially yuzuki and haruto <3  they deserved happy ending. also the main couple's story was so unexpected. 10/10

Thank you for playing!! I'm glad you enjoyed the story!!


Updated????????????????? What was added?😱


A new translation (Japanese)!! You're so quick to notice actually wow...


That is a language i am studying so i shall play it again😝 and yes i notice it because this is another game i LOVE ❤️ 


Aww you're so sweet!! Thank you so much! I hope the translation can be a great learning experience!!! ✨




hi !! i have uh. become a fan. i havent finished playing all the routes yet but I LOVE WHAT YOU DID WITH THE MC?? with questionable morals <3 seriously theres so many games where the MC is just righteous under those circumstances and I hate it lol, so this was really a pleasant surprise. whats the point of creating fiction if you still follow all the social and moral codes of real life amiright


YEAHH YOU GET MEE! I totally understand why some MCs are morally just and generally normal people (either for self-insert purposes, or to make the experience scarier because being normal in an abnormal/messed up world IS scary...), and those reasons work for sure! I myself personally do like villain-ish MCs though haha, so I made this!

I hope you enjoyed the rest of the route and thank you for playing!


I FEEL BAD FOR THE GAYS(and bunny) AT LEAST ONE OF GET KILLED IN EVERY ROUTE😭😭😭 But Ichigo and mc are cute tho ,They fit together well 

anyway great game❤️ (i swear i played the demo in 2022 )


There's actually (🤓☝️ LMAOO sorry) no demo, this game was released fully since the first time it popped up in this site. Either way though, thanks so much for playing!! Glad you enjoyed it!! 


choosing Ichigo is the best decision  

(1 edit) (+2)

i want to call this game cute but it's really not, is it 😭i loved Ichigo ad yuzuki sm... haruto really got the short end of the stick in every end huh. i will forever cry for those 2. your AU, Haruto Yuzuki after true end doc and MOUDOKU-CHUUI were all amazing. i loved the new character we could've had even though i saw him once . thank you for creating this masterpiece. i love this game sm. the art and CGs were adorable though (most of them at least) <3


Woah, thank you so much for pretty much checking all the extra contents!! I'm very happy to hear that you enjoyed them!! :DD


Ichigo truly loves me so much, I burst into tears. The te (ending) with Ichigo is so heart-throbbing and lovable. The two of us are perfectly matched in our sickness, our conditions rushing towards each other. Hooray!

(2 edits) (+3)

While coming up with their voices I ended up making Yuzuki British, Ichigo a surfer dude, and gave Haruto a muttering-rat voice which I ended up feeling bad for when I realized he was a good dude lmao.


LMAOOO not haruto getting the shorter end of the stick😭 (which is totally not my fault at all lol)


Hi! I don't think you remember me buuuuuutttt I used to play the game a LOT and uuuh. yeah?? Sent a bunch of messages talking about my OCs and the fact I was making a game called "Pumpkin Patch" inspired by this game!!

I dropped the Patch Project (what I'm calling it) awhile back but I just recently picked it up!! Soooo...two things! One can I include your name in the credits under "inspiration" (when it fully comes out) and two, how did you get the MC's sprite on the side of the screen? Thank you!

Ooh I do remember you! And I see that you've posted the demo of your project (will definitely be checking that out later, expect to see me in the comments lol). Congrats on finishing the demo! As for your questions, yes you can definitely include my name as an inspiration if you wish (and I feel honored, thank you so much).

To have the mc's sprite on the side of the screen, you can add "side" in the beginning of the file names! You don't have to add the "side" in the script, just adding it in the file names are enough. Ren'py will automatically place it on the bottom left side of the screen. I've attached the example below (how I named the files, how I defined the images, and how I use it), I hope it helps!


ahhh!! thank you so much!! and thank you for playing my game if you do ^^ (the home screen was hell and still some buttons don't work :( but it's still functioning, thankfully!!

I'll be using this code lol tysm again!!


Hace tiempo mire gameplays de este juego y quede ENCANTADA, finalmente puedo jugar por mi misma y AAAA es tan jodidamente bueno!! GRAN TRABAJO. 🥰



This is my first time ever actually commenting on a game that I liked, but I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS GAME. The characters, the plot, the endings!! Everything was so perfect. My favorite ending was the true ending (im an Ichigo fangirl through and through), but all of the endings and plot twists had me so excited and engaged. Definitely would recommend!

Thank you for playing!! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much that you decided to comment, I'm honored 💙✨

when is vol2 coming out?? i think i got all the ends and i really like this game.

Thank you for playing! Unfortunately, there most likely won't be a sequel to the game as I'm planning to focus on another projects for now.


yuzuharu is doomed in every route ;;;;-;; i LOVE ichigo and aimi but if you really think about it theyre def the ones in the wrong.. BUT I LOVE THEM SO MUHCG FUEui;UEIGFsdef


There's one where they're not, it just doesn't show it. I wish there'd been an ending with them explicitly winning, though. But in one of the supposedly bad endings (was a good ending given the narrative, lol), since all of the stuff related to them doesn't happen, we can assume they continued with their plans and left.

is it the one where ichigo gets the death sentence? i never really thought ab that omg


i LOVE this game and the art is just absoloutely beautiful as well as the aesthetics and writing. well done! i highly suggest this game


I played this game a couple years ago but decided to replay it to refresh my memory… I ADORE these characters and just love the story telling… I think my biggest (and only real) complaint is how short the game is. I wanna know more! I want some more buildup to the interesting stuff!! I think it would’ve helped the story a lot more and resulted in a little less exposition from the characters (namely Ichigo mentioning again and again that they’re childhood friends, lol). BUT I still adore this game and story!! I’m excited to try out other stuff from this dev!!! And I’m probably gonna make some fanart once I get home :3

WOAH!!! I didn't expect you to have played this before, so this is a pleasant surprise. Thank you so much for playing!! Your compliments really means a lot and I do appreaciate it! And thank you too for pointing out the lack of buildup. It's definitely something I need to work on and I will definitely take that criticism to make my future works better! 

Now you got me excited for that fanart lol but please no pressure and take your time! Take care on your way home! :D

(3 edits) (+2)

(same/similar comment but added more since I don't comment often haha but I speaking THY TRUTH)


FOR ANYBODY WANTING TO PLAY:                                                                               If I had to change how to play I would recommend doing Ichigo first then Yuzuki then end it off with true end Ichigo or just play how you want ik that what I did AND MAN HOW I WAS SATISFIED either way so I think you will too TRUST ME fr----10/10 way to play is by doing it how you want and feel  o( ̄▽ ̄)d

OMGOSH...I do NOT even know what to say without spoiling anything but DANG. The way I kept getting close with my guesses but still was shocked and squeeeeeling/yelling (excitment ofc <3) at everything happening to the point I might need some tea.  Honesltly, without spilling too much info, the MC's secret was the most surprising part by far to me. I WAS GAGED or even JAW DROPPED. When you find out and go back to do other endings it's the fact that there are "hints" is something I'll tell you that much.

Oh and I also had no problems downloading or running the game, and the menu including title screen are super cute (and misleading esp when you get an ending where someone dies then you see cute MC art for a title screen like nothing happened...luv it) GOTTA LUV IT. I also love that you'r able to go down the childhood bestie route. I feel like they don't get enough recognition or thought LOL cough cough sayori .

the true ending>>>>                                   

*** though I might be biased..hes clearly my fav charater I like all endings with him*** XDDD


i totally get the sayori reference from DDLC

and I totally agree with you that this game is fantastic and yes there are so many hints. i feel like this is so well written! it should get more hype <3



i shouldn't have done yuzuki route first because it made me connect all dots 😭
the true ending was cute tho but i kinda feel bad for yuzuki and haruto (kinda bcs i was sad that yuzuki was already taken)


Yuzuki and Haruto deserve better T^T


CRy OUt 

I wish Yuzuki and Haruto can be together in other storyline😭😭😭








I just wished that we had a gallery for every cg we unlock(I just want to stare at Ichigo;'3) BUT KIDDING ASIDE COMPLETING IT WOULD BE SO SATISFYING


I have so many things to say! I'm flabbergasted in a best way possible! I didn't see the plotwists coming at all!!! I find the writing so interesting, you really fooled because I thought it would be just another yandere dating sim....I was so wrong. The history for every character is so interesting and the way they tie up when unlock more and more endings, beautiful!!! I can't help but feel sorry for Haruto and Yuzuki, in maybe 2 endings they get be happy together ??? Sad gays, I can never escape them.

My favorite character is probably Haruto!! I really thought he will be just faceless bully ,,for the sake of the plot" BUT MY GOD. He nearly caught Ichigo!! I would give everything to just see maybe a bonus ending when he actually succes and becomes the high school detective he read so much about it!!

Awesome game!! WOULD LOVE to see more <3


Thank you so much for playing!! I'm glad you enjoyed the story and found it interesting! I'm also happy to see Haruto getting some love, he definitely deserves it. A bonus ending would be an interesting addition, but sadly for now, you would have to just imagine what that ending is like 😭


Love this!!

(4 edits) (+2)

Spoilers (kinda?) ahead!

The only crime in this game is it not being longer);^;). Quite the amont of plot twist, and loved the horror element of it. I reaaaaly wish ichigo`s route was longer though, but for the optional price of ~FREE~, no big complaints can be made.  (I really recomend helping out the developer of an amazing game though)

Not the biggest fan of Yuzuki and Haruto, but that was probably me missing Ichigo);~;) 10 STARS FOR ICHIGO (ahem ahem, sorry for the fangirling. Really, why are there not more mls like him...). Maybe Yuzuki just wasn’t crazy enough for me);-:) (Had to edit since I wrote both their names wrong TRICE);-;)

I like how relatable he and Haruto was though. It’s nice to see a human side of the “perfect” kind of ml sometimes. I was pleasantly surprised at Haruto’s personality and funny side comments. It was … nice? I think. I kept having mixed feelings because … you know … The ending. The route in itself was an exiting experience, mainly because of the mc and the plot twist. 

The mc, I really loved. I actually jumped in my seat when she flipped. I was NOT expecting that. She made both stories interesting and fun, both crazy and not. (RIP. rabbit tho). Her character design was the best in the whole game. The dynamic between her and Ichigo was really cute and funny. I have seen people talking about hating her because of the whole Yuzuki/Haruto incidents (understandable), but I really like her crazy part too. That both mc and Ichigo was crazy was a big part of what made me really love them.  

Ichigo has my heart, and I loved how he had more of a personality than just “cute yandere”. He was wholesome, playful, caring, jealous, crazy and cool. I never really liked the whole little brother trope, where their whole personality is just “cute”. It becomes just … meh. Ichigo was a great example of how to make a character more than just “cute” or a “yandere” (I have probably been starved for so long that I would take any yandere at this point tho..). His playful manner of speaking, and his snarky remarks are all adoring. 

The game in itself, the setup, mechanics, dialogue length and such is perfect. It is easy to save and navigate, music is nice (laughed every time someone died and I got to the main menu music being like du~du du~du|) and fun to read. I also love the art-style:)

Conclusion: I would love to see longer game of this/like this one day. It was a really nice experience, nice characters, art-style, music and story. (I have never left a review kind of comment before, so hope this doesn’t come off as too long..)

Anyway, thank you for making this. Love to see more from you!!

Thank you for your support and for the review! I'm glad you enjoyed the game (despite it being shorter and all). Thank you for the love for MC and Ichigo as well!! I had a really fun time writing them. Honestly, the fact that you had to edit Yuzuki and Haruto's name like thrice is so funny, dw you're not alone because there are many people down in the comments who mispronounced their names too LMAOO 😭

(1 edit) (+2)

The characters are so well written and the game was so fun 10/10 , i just feel so sad for yuzuharu they are so doomed in each route ;( also i ADORE the dynamic between ichigo and mc 

(4 edits) (+1)(-3)

( spoilers warning

i loved this game sm. and yuzuki was a lot more relatable than i had expected !!! he was pretty cool, although i def felt bad when doing his route, him and haruto were rly cute and they deserved better </3. sry for ruining ur trip yall

 buuut my favorite character by far is ichigo. he was so cute despite the fact he's a literal criminal, and i loved his true ending. i kinda jinxed it at the start that ichigo and mc would be partners in crime and was geniunely surprised to see that my wish came tru. (though when i first had a look at the game, i cant deny ichigo looked like he'd secretly be a serial killer or smth. still loved him tho lmao)

in conclusion, this game was super fun. ill def replay it sometime

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