⚠️ Please read the content warnings carefully before playing/downloading. Prioritize your mental health first and foremost. ⚠️

Content warning (possible spoilers, click to see more)
  • Mild gore
  • Depictions of blood
  • Murder
  • Suicide
  • Implications of abuse
  • Mentions of animal death and animal abuse
  • Yandere-ish behavior

If any of these topics may upset you, please do not play the game. If you plan on playing, keep in mind that this is fiction. I do not and will never support or condone the actions relating to the list above if it were done in real life.

♡ Summary ♡

"Well... love makes you do stupid things, after all."

1 day later, and it'll be Valentine's Day.

You're playing as Aimi (name changeable) and, of course you're not going to miss out going on a date during the special day.  The problem is, you'll have to choose between your childhood friend or your crush who doesn't seem to like you back.

Unfortunately, that isn't the only problem you'll be facing. 

In your hometown, some people have gone missing without a word. Whether they are killed or kidnapped, nobody knows. You might want to be careful so that you don't become one of them.

♡ Characters ♡

♡ Features ♡

  • This is a short game. It has 17k words. It takes around two hours to finish all the routes and endings.
  • 35+ CGs
  • Two routes to choose from and a total of nine endings (six bad endings, one normal ending, one good ending, and one true ending). Check this guide to know how to get all the endings.
  • All choices in this game matters (except for the first choice in day 1).

♡ Additional Info ♡

I made the story, sprite, CG, textbox, and some buttons myself. However, for background images, BGM, and SFE, I looked for free resource/assets on websites like Unsplash, Pexel, Dova Syndrome, etc. For full credit of photo bg, SFE, and BGM sources, please read the Full Credits.txt file inside the Sweetest Valentine folder. I link every resources I used there. 

12/11/2021 - updated to ver 1.1: Deleted two lines of dialogues, deleted some {nw}s (interrupted dialogues), and fixed some typos.

14/12/2021Spanish translation patch available at: https://galaxgyuscan.wordpress.com/sweetest-valentine-otome-espanol/ (by Galaxgyuscan or Beomnie)

01/12/2022 - updated to v1.2: Added Russian translation (by Mikhail Burov-Kosolapin) and added main menu music

16/03/2023 - updated to v1.3: Added Chinese translation (by 青灯不弈)

20/05/2023 - updated to v1.4: Fixed some grammar and sentences (Proofreading by Snowy88666)

27/08/2023 - updated to v1.5: Minor changes and a fix for Mac users

19/05/2024 - updated to  v1.6: Added Turkish Translation (by Tsukimi | Tiktok & Instagram: tsukimi.707, X: _Tsu_kimi) 

24/11/2024 - updated to v1.7: Added Japanese Translation (by Akira Mahogany)

.•° ୨୧ °•.

Thank you for checking this page out! Please let me know what you think of it by leaving a rating and/or a comment!

There is a prequel comic to this now! Check it out below!

The comments below might contain spoilers.

°•. ୨୧ .•°


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

SweetestValentine-1.7.1-pc.zip 247 MB
SweetestValentine-1.7.1-mac.zip 241 MB
SweetestValentine-1.1-pc.zip 225 MB
SweetestValentine-1.1-mac.zip 191 MB

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(1 edit)

Omg, I haven’t finished it yet, but I absolutely love Ichigo already, he’s so adorable!! <3


(3 edits)

I haven't finished it yet but knowing it would bring me to an end I wanted to try... (got bad end 2)


edit 2 : like he's not the kind of character that i usually like but i quickly discovered that he wasn't what i expected at all, i lovee that guy, man

edit : the true end filled me i swear thanks for the content


you should proboly put a searing warning that f word was unexpected

(3 edits) (+1)




 Bro offed himself like twice for aimi?? dang

This is so good! justice for our gay lovers '-'!!



There is Turkish?!?!?!!? I am from Türkiye, and I am so happy about it!!!


absolutely cinematic. the endings and story and plot twists were crazy, truly an original experience!

So, uh wow, that certainly was an experience!!!!!!!! NGL, I thought this game would just be a really generic yandere game, but clearly it wasn't, lol! (Imagine my shock!) 

Overall, I really, really liked this game, with all its twists and turns! (I don't really know what to say but if anyone is contemplating whether to play this game then I say go for it!!!)


This game is simply PERFECT, the plot in each ending is simply incredible, my favorite ending was definitely "partners in crime" at first I thought it would be some generic romance game but as I progressed I discovered that it wasn't and I thought it was brilliant, it became one of my favorites for sure

(1 edit) (+2)

amazing plot twist[s], game made me say "what have i done" out loud on multiple occasions. justice for '???' he was a real one


Incredible game! I loved the different endings! I hope it was okay that I recorded a video for my channel. Thank you for your time and dedication on this master piece!


It's very much okay! Thank you for playing and for the video! Expect to see me in the comment section sooner or later!


Wooow i loved it! Love how this game was so deep and so many choices and endings, could play this with my friends and even THEY couldn't guess what happens next, more games like this pleaaase! You should put this in a competition and you will win! Also, love the true end, they end up SO hot in the end, and there should be a part 2!!!


莓好可爱!特别是坏结局2里一年后的莓。啊 柚 坏结局一里,直接 就把主控的手剁下来了欸?话说 他拒绝了主控吧?闪了一下 就答应了 感觉像是被控制了。

啊。。。 原来是 已经死了。。。 

emmm 感觉 莓会替主控 做掉 春人? 毕竟 主控 被弄进了监狱欸



Updated again??????? What is new for my hubby's??? Give me the deets pronto😋😋

YOU'RE SO QUICK 😭😭 It's just easier access to other languages tho my bad, nothing new for now...




oh...my...god, honestly when i first saw this game i was just gonna play it bc is cute, but the trama TRULY surprised me. Everymoment the trama and the hints where deeper and deeper, i couldn't stop playing it until i totally finished.

This game got me screaming, crying and loving, I've never found a game like this that immerses me as much as this one, and I don't think I'll ever find another one that matches it, and I'm not exaggerating, I really think so, I even created this account just to comment on this because I HAD TO SAY IT



Omg the game is so good!!!


I loved the partners in crime ending! My boys Haruto and Yuzuki had it rough though. They were my favorite couple and I felt terrible for them a good portion of the game. The portion where we got to see their story almost made me shed a tear.

Same, I feel so bad for Yuzuki....


Plot twists caught me off guard I love games like these


I love the game! It's super interesting, love all the twist. And despite everything, I love Ichigo haha

Amazing work! <3


I haven't finished the game yet as I did all of the Ichigo endings first but now it's like I don't want to. I noticed in one of the endings when he was talking to Haruto that he mentioned his "lover" and then when I started my first Yuzuki route he says he already has a "lover". Context clues points to Haruto, but it's like why finish now if Aimi won't get a good ending with Yuzuki since he's gay. A little disappointed to say the least. Love Ichigo though


Might be spoilers idk but I felt so horrible for Yuzuki and Haruto, they could NOT catch a break. I love Ichigo sm tho oh em gee

is it bad that I played every ending because I got the last ending the first time I played


Lo jugué porque es de los pocos que veo que duran poquito y no es necesario descargar y WOW, TREMENDA OBRA MAESTRA, sus plot twist están chidos JAJAJAJ los finales están muy XD


Insane plot twists lmao


this game may look simple on the outside, BUT ITS BETTER THEN ITTTT

(4 edits) (+3)

Peacefully playing and chose yuzuki, AND BAM!!!!, my jaw dropped ngl, peak writing 10/10 EDIT: PEAK ASS WRITING ONG EDIT 2: ICHIGO LIKES STRAWBERRY SHOTCAKE AND ICHIGO MEANS STRAWBERRY IN JAPANESE PEAK ASS WRITING ONG EDIT:nvm the name was already reference..edit again: finished it, absoulutely a game with peak lots of plot twist, 11/10.

LMAOO thank you sm for playing!!! I'm relaly glad that you enjoyed it! :D




damn, that yellow guy was a loser in any ending.

i have a question why you put a gay in youre games?


Because it's my work and I do whatever I want. If you don't like it, just go elsewhere buddy. No one's forcing you to be here.


chill men, i just ask, i just want to know why, are you gay too?(hahaha i just joking) but there is no need to put a gay in your game, but like you sayd its your game not mine.


omg shut up

Kid, please don't interact with this subject material if you're going to be a homophobe polluting the comments.






i didnt expect to actually like them

(1 edit) (+1)

I skipped over this game for like two years and I regret it because this is actually a super unique and awesome game! Great job! 

SPOILERS: I feel so bad for Izuki and Haruto :(


Thank you!! I'm glad you enjoyed the experience! Have a great day!! (And uh sorry about those two...)


OMG I LOVE THIS. like she actually out yandered him lmao. partners in crime is my favorite ending.


the plot twist in this game the endings and back storys CHEFSKISS I LOVE LOVE LOVEEE BROTHER ITSO YUMMY I AM EATING THIS GAME UPPP I LOVE IT BROO




so underrated! i definitely will be recommending this to my friends 

That would be very much appreciated! Thank you very much for the support!! :D


This game was so interesting!  The art is really pretty, and the characters are so easy to get invested in.  I got every ending and absolutely loved it!  You are such a talented creator!! <


I got all the endings! I really loved this game, it was so much fun! It would just be better if there were a way to keep a track of what endings we've gotten or maybe the numbering of the endings was different for Ichigo and Yuzuki (having bad ending 1 twice on your screen makes you forget how many endings you've actually had).

Otherwise, this is an excellent game. I know in RenPy games, DDLC (doki doki literature club) has a lot of hype, but I think this is way better than that. Especially because all the characters are so well-written. (The multiple endings as opposed to DDLC one depressing ending is a bonus)

I really hope this game gets all the hype because you deserve it!


Yeahh you're right about the endings, I made this as my first game and I was a total newbie at this lol. I will definitely keep it in mind though!

I really look up to and respect DDLC, so your words mean a lot. I know I'll never beat the OG and I don't intend to do so, but I still appreciate your comment! Thank you!


It's impressive that this is your first game! Your story plot has more depth than DDLC if I were to be honest, and that's what makes this game so special. The way you went out of the way to draw the character's past to explain their present actions just makes us more attached to the characters. 

DDLC was my first visual novel horror game, and it left a lasting impact on me, particularly because I relate too much with Sayori's way of thinking. So, when I first started the game, I was apprehensive. But as I got into the game, I lost track of time and actually enjoyed it so much. It just has a charm that other games do not, probably because you've made it with so much thought and care and it shows.

Keep up the good work! Hope this game gets the hype it deserves!

(2 edits) (+2)(-3)


There's only one situation where Yuzuki gets his happy end OMG 😭 I want them all to be happy, but like... you know how it is :(
Also, Ichigo looks REALLY nice at the end. Like, holy crap, he looks so damn good in the true end omggfgfgfg <3

+ I love how each of the decisions has an immediate outcome/bad ending. It makes it so much easier to get all the endings and see the whole story <3 Saved a TON of time :D


wna b my friend

Sure thing 💪

u got discord?

Yea, it's .burntsushi. 

(1 edit) (+2)

free AND browser?! a dream fr

the true ending has to be my fav tbh, ichigo and the mc are so cute in the end 


100%, even though I feel really bad for Yuzuki.... Especially after I saw their backstory :(...


i loved it. got all the endings 

it's unexpected in the best way. i like ichigo smmmm

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