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This was such a rollercoaster, I loved it!

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it! :D

I.Love.This.Game. Finished it in about 1 hour and 30 mins, at least. Got all endings in one sitting and just love the story, the art, EVERYTHING! Even the characters grown on me even if they may be killers or victims. Good job!!

Thank you so much! I'm happy that you enjoyed the game! :D


No! Thank YOU for creating such an amazing game! I am still not over how good it is. I wish I have the ability to erase a small fraction of my memories just so I can experience your game again and again for the first time. <3

SPOILERS!! (Overall it's an amazing game, short and thrilling, enjoyed it very much :D)

Wow this completely threw me for a loop. The first moment I realized how much this game was gonna mess with me was after confessing to Yuzuki omg. The way the screen went red and the words were all glitchy and then it went back to normal - CHILLS. And when I chose to date Ichigo and it time skips to much later and he gets arrested holy crap. Absolutely did not expect the twist in the True End (which was oddly satisfying, why am I cheering for the murderers help). Also getting the backstory on Yuzuki and Haruto broke me TT Legit forgot the genre of the game for a solid 10 minutes between all the blushing. I loved trying to guess which options would give me a bad end. I knew Ichigo was suspicious from the start (it's always the cute ones) but the donut cg just stole my heart <3 In a way, getting mc killed (or killing ichigo) is a good end because Yuzuki and Haruto get to escape and be happy (I'm hoping). Basically, I loved this game, it was a rollercoaster of emotions! ALSO THE ART WAS GORGEOUS, I hid the dialogue box every 5 minutes to stare in awe <33


Aww thank you so much! I'm glad this VN was able to take you in for an enjoyable ride and I'm also happy you enjoyed my art. And yes, you could say the bad endings in Ichigo's route are actually good endings for Yuzuki and Haruto lol

Again, thanks for playing and for leaving a comment, have a nice day! <3

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Don't apologize for the long comment, I always appreciate it! It's always the longer comments that are fun to read, too. I'm happy to know that this VN took you for a ride LOL

(Heavy spoilers below, as usual)

Before I released the game, both my play tester and I were so sure that Ichigo and MC are going to be hated, and I was so ready to receive negative comments about them. But so far, people who commented seem to like them, especially Ichigo. It really surprised me ngl. So when I read your comment, I laughed hard. I did intend to write them to be despicable and I'm happy you enjoyed that twist.

And thank you for sympathizing with Yuzuki and Haruto. I do enjoy writing them and their relationship, even though it ended up a bad ending for them. 

Thank you for playing and commenting! Hope you have a nice day! 

(2 edits)


i really loved the beginning of the game, but  i felt a bit uncomfortable at the end.   for anyone reading this comment, please read the trigger warnings, because  the animal  death thing is really apparent in ichigo's route :D

the rest of this section will have heavy spoilers, so stop  reading if you don't want any ! 

-  ♡ -

i've only played ichigo's route (and i played this months ago, but decided to add a comment now, so apologies if i got anything wrong), so im sorry if there was anything new i missed.

from what i remember, ichigo confesses to stalking the mc   and being a murderer.  instead of trying to help him (like go to therapy or sumn),    mc  says  that she is fine with it, and that   she used to hurt animals.    it made me really uncomfortable, since i've had previous experiences with animal abuse (and it felt a bit like the game was saying "hey animal abuse is ok")    + it felt like it portrays murder as a cool and quirky thing .

defhgd i dunno, it just seems that ichigo is a messed up dude, and instead of trying to help him, she just encourages it.  maybe i'm overreacting since this is  a touchy subject for me, but if you  aren't comfortable with these topics, please don't play it. although it might be my fault that i didn't fully read the tws.

if you enjoyed the game, that's great! it just isn't personally my cup of tea.

op if you're reading this, the game is very pretty, and you did a great job designing the chars, ui, etc! i wish you luck developing  other games, and i appreciate the work you put in to the game! this isn't hate or anything, i just wanted to share my opinion on the game ^^ i hope whoever reading this has a swell day!

(4 edits)

That's completely valid! And yes, everyone should read the TWs more carefully and I'll try to highlight the TWs more so this won't happen again, hopefully. 

(Heavy spoilers below)





I understand why you would think that I tried to portray murder and animal abuse as this quirky thing, but I would like to remind you that you're playing as Aimi, and she has a few screws loose, so she accepts Ichigo and even encourages him. I myself do not condone those actions, and if someone were to do the things Ichigo and Aimi did in real life, I would condemn them no matter the reason they did it for. In the end, this is only fiction and I just wanted to have a little fun writing a MC that's not so good and wanted to write a story where the villains win.

Thank you for your honest opinion! I'm always happy to hear people's thoughts on the game wether it's a positive one or a negative one. I'm sorry it made you uncomfortable. Even though this is fiction, if you feel really uncomfortable by it, then it's perfectly okay and valid!  I still want to thank you for taking your time to play and comment on this! :)


Esse jogo realmente não foi o que eu esperava,apesar de ter me dado uma depressão profunda,realmente superou minhas expectativas,embora não tenha gostado dos finais,achei todos muito interessantes! Espero que você faça mais jogos assim,bom trabalho! <3

Thank you for playing and for commenting! I used google translate, so I'm sorry if I understood wrong, but I'm happy you still enjoyed the game even though you dislike the endings! <3


When I was playing this game, I thought I'll be getting the typical "two-yandere-boys-coming-after-you-because-they're-obsessed-route", but it turns out to be something more and it just made me play it again and again to get each endings. It was pretty fun :D

I felt sad for Yuzuki and Haruto though, this couple doesn't get a rest, and even  Ichigo and Aimi (I was hoping that each couple would get a happy endings but that won't be fun isn't) >:3 jk

Anyways! It was a pretty fun kinda adorable game. I'm a little biiiit late but happy valentines day everyone! ♡

I'm happy that you find it fun and I admit that I'm a huge fan of bittersweet endings. So yup, just giving them a simple happy ending is no fun at all LMAO

Happy late valentines day to you too and thank you for playing! <3


(°▽°) is all I can say about this lol. I really love the yandere-ish theme (I'm a whore for fictional yanderes and fictional murder) and it really did surprise me in the end. Yuzuki's route... is not what I expected (⁰▿⁰) You are correct, love can make people do crazy things (luckily I'm aro σ`∀´σ) I really enjoyed this game, and Happy Late Valentine's Day! ( ´ ω ` )


Happy late Valentine's Day and I'm glad you enjoyed it and that I managed to surprise you! Thanks for playing! 


Hey! :-D

I just played the game and this is awesome! We need more yandere otoma game like this <3

I hoped we can get one super happy endig...but well life is life .

I really hope you make more and with more characters, and of course longer too <3

This story is full of clevernes and care and it is the best game! 

Hi!! Thank you so much for the comment and the support! I really appreciate it and I'm really glad you like it! :D

I played this game on Valentines Day so its fitting and I must say that game is fricking awesome! I really enjoyed it but it made me really sad but Im glad <D


Sorry (not sorry) for making you sad on Valentines Day lol, but I'm glad you enjoyed it anyway! Thanks for playing!

(22 edits) (+1)

It was wonderful. I'm a fan of the genre so *cough*  I remember playing this months ago and replay it again earlier xD I enjoy every ending. I felt sorry for Haruto :'< also for Yuzuki T^T I like how the two get along. These fellas were unfortunate :< The one I didn't expect among the plot twist is about Aimi (playable character). I was expecting that if I do Yuzuki's routes, it would be Ichigo who. . . ya know and vice versa. I kinda started to doubt it when the scene suddenly turns red for a sec and dialogues changed in Mc's desire (Yuzuki's route).  Anyway, ahhh I love Ichigo <3 especially during the good ending of Yuzuki and his endings too (Except the first one) *sob* he's precious when he's with the player. I like yandere so *cough* I like how cunning he is lol :3 I literally almost cry, my tears starting to build up while reading it and he says "Goodbye."  in 2nd ending T^T. Absolutely worth it, although it's a mid-length short, I enjoyed playing it again <3 Most likely the True Ending in Ichigo's route, I was expecting both of them to be partners, I'm glad to see it really came true.

P.s. I also like the arts, its cute and also the bgm. I wonder if the creator has a plan to create a new one? If there is, I would gladly anticipate with it <3

Really glad you enjoyed the game! I had fun reading your comment too. Thanks for playing!

As for a new game, there's one planned, but I'm not sure how long it'll take to finish

(1 edit) (+1)

i love the true ending sooooo much i kept replaying it

thanks for creating this amazing game


Aww thank you so much! I'm happy that you enjoyed playing it :D

(1 edit) (+2)

Idk how

But this game made me cry..

Poor Yuzuki...

It was cool by the way

(1 edit) (+1)

I guess I should say sorry for indirectly making you cry, but thank you for playing the game! ^^


The game is amazing and really entertaining, thank you so much <3

Thank you too for playing! :D

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Yess, Beomnie did an amazing job translating the game to Spanish :D

And thank you for playing! 

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love the true ending my only thing is the fact our boy Yuzuki couldn't be with his lover no matter what ending ;;


Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed the game! 

Yuzuki's luck is horrendous, but even if he's destined to suffer in this game, maybe things will get better for him in the future, who knows?

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(1 edit)

Well, in the true ending, Yuzuki's alive. He won't ever meet with Haruto again because Haruto died. But an end is just another beginning. Maybe another person will come and be there for him? 🤔

Again, thanks for playing, ily too! <3

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did they kill yuziki in the true ending or? i know haruto was killed but 

nope, yuzuki was completely left alone in the true ending, so he's alive and well

probably not well his lover disappeared

Okay true LMAO, but at least he's living and he's out of Ichigo's radar for a while. At least that's something

I can't get the final good with ichigo. help !!


Ichigo doesn't have a good ending, only a true ending, so you've probably gotten it already but just in case, I'll tell you how to get it. Go all the way to Day 3 of his route and choose to enter the room.


AHHH I loved the buildup of the mystery and the plot-twists! Absolutely *lovely* I ended up getting all the endings~ I look forward to any of your work in the future <3


I do have a question tho on second thought! (Warning: don't click expand unless if you're fine with spoilers)







In one route, Ichigo tells Haruku that MC and Yuzuki spent the night in the same house. What was his motivation behind that? At first, I thought that he knew the MC murdered Yuzuki, and wanted the MC to be discovered by the police on purpose (so the MC would really lose everything and he would be the one to comfort her... as it played in the ending.) But then I realized that Ichigo wasn't aware of the MC's murderous tendencies, so did he think that Yuzuki was taking advantage of the MC and wanted Haruku to go there and create some drama/heartbreak? 

(2 edits) (+1)

Thank you for playing and I'm so glad you enjoyed it!! And as for your question...

[Heavy spoilers down below]





Yes that's exactly it. After Ichigo found out that Haruto saw something he shouldn't, Ichigo had been stalking Haruto, trying to find a good opportunity to kill him and to keep him in check. During that time, he found out that Haruto and Yuzuki were dating. That's why Ichigo got very disgusted by Yuzuki when he noticed that Yuzuki never left MC's house since that night, thinking he's cheating (and he despises it because his father used to cheat as well).

He didn't want to be the one to break it to the MC because of two reasons. One, he would be the one making MC sad, and he doesn't want that. Two, it'll reveal that Ichigo had been stalking them. So he decided to indirectly get Haruto to confront Yuzuki instead, hoping some drama would happen between the three, and hoping MC will hate Yuzuki for it. Afterwards, he planned on visiting MC, acting clueless, and comforts her.


I just got all the endings, I loved them all! Specially the denial ones!

Thank you sm for playing! I'm glad to know that you enjoyed it! :D


omg I LOVE THIS GAME, it messed with my brain like omg dude it was so good. I got every ending but I re read your description and you said there was a normal ending and a good ending and a true ending. I got every single one expect the good ending because Im not sure how to get it. is the ending good ending still there ? and how could I get it? 

Thank you for playing! The good ending is in Yuzuki's route, basically you need to choose 'don't take the knife' at day 3 of his route.


Amazing game! The art is very charming and I absolutely love the plot twists! Thank you for making this game! Great work!

Thank you for playing and for leaving a comment! I'm glad you enjoyed it!


This is a fantastic game! I absolutely adore what you did with the protagonist. And the true end? Chief's kiss. I loved that so much! You really outdid yourself here, good job! I'm excited to see more from you in the future!

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! :D


My reactions to the endings be like: 

Great game btw :DD loved everything about it! 

LMAO I'm glad you loved it! Thanks for playing! :D


This game is very pleasant, I fall in love with someone , thank you for making this game 😊🥰


And thank you for playing! I'm glad you find it pleasant! :D

I absolutely love this game, I will definetly support the developer no matter what, it is an underrated game. And omfg the characters are breathtaking 🥰 but I was meaning to ask, what is the name of the creepy soundtrack in the game, from dova syndrome?


Aww thank you for the kind words! And there are two creepy soundtracks I used from dova, one is titled "horror horror" and the other "ミスト". I've attached the links to the dova page of the songs in those titles too in case you'd like to download it


I loved this so much!! Ichigo and the MC are such a perfect match!! I love archetypes like the ones in this game, thank you for making it <3


You're welcome and thank you too for playing it! 


okay, excuse you, the true ending had no business being that adorable!

it was though, absolutely adorable, who needs sempai when you have a partner like Ichigo? 

I absolutely loved your game!! The story was short but sweet and the artstyle was so cute! I fell in love with Ichigo from the first scene he was in! Please continue making these amazing VNs! 


I'll definitely try making more VNs with the same or hopefully better quality in the future! But for now, I'm happy that you loved the game! <3


I love the game! from the interactions to the choices you can make. Especially the twisted truth, I LOVE ICHIGO SO MUCH!


what a great game! Really love it. ICHIGO MY BOY ;-;

Thank you for playing! Glad you enjoyed it :D


ive never been able to look at my ramune bottles in strawberry or yuzu flavors the same way after playing this game. 10/10 would recommend


when we found out THAT and our eyes went hearts? i felt that in my bones


I loved it! I wasn't really expecting the story to be like this when I downloaded it, but it was worth it! 

The art is absolutely beautiful! 

I did all the routes and they were all amazing! My favorite one is the true ending though ;) 

I just wish we could see the endings we already unlocked as we played so we could know if we were missing some or not,  but that's fine. 

The game really surprised me because the story is really good! Well done! 


Thank you so much for playing and for the feedback! I'll make sure to keep that in mind. But I'm glad you enjoyed it! <3

10/10 master piece. Artstyle and characters were just beautiful uwu.

I enjoyed going through all the endings, Yuzuki's was very interesting it gave me DDLC vibes.

Thank u for making dis VN, It was very interesting :D

You're welcome and thank you too for playing! :D


i love this so much!! its probably one of my favourite games on so far, thank you for publishing this!!


No, thank *you* for playing and leaving such a sweet comment! I'm really happy to hear that <3


haha, absolutely no problem!! loved the game

this game really messed up my feelings for IᄃΉIGӨ, i still love him anyways. All of the ending were yeah, very disturbing but I love it, oh my god, I need time to process all of the endings.

i also almost forgot to play this, so when i was deleting some files i found this and forgot I downloaded this, thank god i found it again and played it or else I will slam my head agaisnt the wall.

Please don't slam your head against the wall, but I'm happy you remembered and decided to play it! Thank you for sharing your thoughts! :D


I love this game so much ToT :the art style, the plot twists, the characters, I love all of it so much ;w; 

I really look forward to more of your games, this one was truly a masterpiece. I wish more would play it <3

Thank you so much! I'm really happy knowing you enjoyed it :D <3


such a reealy good game!

aww, it was good. I enjoyed playing it and also the plot <3

Thank youu! I'm glad you enjoyed it <3

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